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Did WhatsApp sold their Users?

WhatsApp sold us to FB👇

It's been mentioned that WhatsApp being sold to FB with the deal of 55$ per user back in 2014 for storing users Metadata.

What is Meta Data?

All info other actual message content.  

For example : Considering a user posting a pic on eve of New year beach or restaurant. 

So here comes Meta Data
1. Month (Dec31st) 
2. Location (Country or place)
3. Time ( when u posted from beach/restaurant)

What is new WhatsApp policy and what they do with your meta data👇

With these metadata they will be prompt you business cards, holiday packages or special offers via Advertisement.

Politics might play a vital role with these updated policy.

If you get any service on internet for free then you are the actual product!!!

Courtesy : @investopedia

#Whatsapp #whatsApppolicy #WhatsAppupdate #WhatsAppTermsandConditions
